
Well it all started about 2007. One day out on a run, BFMC19 stopped by a bar to get a couple of cold ones. After consuming a good amount, Brother Recon decided it was time to hit the head. Unfortunately there was a surprise about to come Brother Pigpen’s way. On his return from the bathroom, Recon tapped Pigpen on the shoulder. Pigpen wheeled around and to his dismay got a full mouth of the red rubber plunger that Recon was carrying. Well after a couple of shots (for sanitary reasons) all was laughed about and forgotten. Time flew by like it always does and the next thing you know it was time for Rolling Thunder 2008.
If any of you have been to this event, then you know about the long nights at O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub just two blocks up from the Highlander Hotel. That Friday night, Pigpen was taking a piss and happened to notice a nice red plunger just like the one that had ended up in his mouth just months earlier. Pigpen just couldn’t resist. He took the plunger up to Recon, tapped him on the shoulder and let him have a little taste. After the laughs it started getting weird.
As Pigpen was standing there, Dirty City thought it would be funny to fill it with beer and so they did. Well low and behold some guy out of the crowd, grabbed the full plunger and chugged passing it then off to his girlfriend. While she took her swig, the guy asked Pigpen if he had picked the plunger up at the local hardware store. Pigpen replied that he had just gotten it out of the bathroom. Needless to say, what had just gone down, came right back up. That couple made a very quick exit from the bar. Even after all of this, Dirty City continued to fill it up and drink. Even some girlfriends joined in.
The next evening at the Highlander, Pigpen got his Prospect to go get a plunger from the manager. This one was by far the most contaminated plungers used to date. And with that the Dirty City Plunger Crew was formed. It may be a stupid thing to do and someone might even catch something, but the decision is ours and ours alone. No one is ever forced or made to take the Plunge, but if they do they do at their own risk. If by chance your ever in the Dirty City area and are doing some partying with us and want to get our Dirty City Plunge Patch, just let us know.
-- Contributed by Pigpen and Recon
-- Contributed by Pigpen and Recon